
Think inside the box

We are always being pushed to think outside the box to do something incredibly remarkable  and creative, but the thing is every one of us have a box ,a space confined to our reality , and yeah in our case we really do have a box I refer to the interior space we live in and this space means the most as we spend most of our me-time in here . Surprisingly the real key to unleashing brilliant creative ideas is to think  inside the box ! The real deal is to understand your home and to give the most appropriate and stunning decor.

1.Grow fresh air.
Houseplants have been going in and out of vogue ever since the early Greeks and Romans started bringing their plants in from the outdoors. Current trend dictates green things that lighten up the space .Houseplants not only symbolises fresh decor but also has many health benefits and thus never goes out of style! Keeping ornamental plants in the home and in the workplace purifies the air and increases memory retention and concentration as well. This way you can add so much life into your home and also enjoy the unintentional benefits that come along.

2.Furnish sumptuously
Sometimes the walls look great and the lightings just perfect but still the room might not seem to appear larger or more inviting. It isn’t conducive to conversation or drawing closer for a chat. The right furniture is one of the most important things that designers will be working on to provide with a dashing style and at the same time the right amount of space to move about. Every living room has a focal point. It’s the spot that begs attention when we first enter the room, we need to think inside our box and find that apt place and furnish sumptuously. And probably on a decent-sized carpet to add more to the decor and for the comfort we crave.

3.Add alluring art
Adding a piece of art is a compliment to the interior design, before choosing the art you love, it is important to inspect your entire space to know what kind of art will fit your home. You should also analyse the colour of your walls ,your furniture and the available area. When you first walk into a room identify where your eyes are immediately focused. This is the perfect place for a piece of statement artwork. Art doesn’t always have to be about bright colours or expensive pieces ,the art should be all about you ,reflecting you.

4.Use rich textures
Another important factor to be kept in mind while designing your room is the use of textures. Textures bring any design into life. Analyse your space and include at least three different textures ,that go along with the design , texture adds visual depth to the design. With the help of texture only, you can bring a seamlessly fine design up to a desirable level .Textures are really important as they directly deal with how you feel in your home.

5.Give picturesque details
Give the perfect lightings for your textured home and don’t forget to add a spotlight over your art work if that works, try having fun with design ,like try to place decorative elements in the least expected spots; adding effects is done properly only if we know what effect we really want to achieve; dressing the windows with the right curtains is also the best way to bring in a collective look , so that all the details go together perfectly well.
Now it is quite obvious that as a designer we would work much better if we think inside the box, knowing what we are working with and applying absolutely brilliant ideas from outside to inside!